Small Group Leaders

Paul & Tatyana Kots

Leaders Age Group: 30-40 
Group Language: English 
Leaders Location: Ozark, MO
Deacon Group: Viktor Matlashevsky
We are the Kots family and have been married for 14 years and blessed with 5 children. Recently joined Bread of Life Church. We love traveling and outdoor activities.
In fellowship, we hope to develop friendships, grow spiritually and, support each other in prayer, enjoy some good food and tea while having wonderful discussions together.

Call Us 
Paul (916) 225-3615
Tatyana (916) 878-1434

Group Status: Open

People in the group
Kondor Dmitriy & Tatyana
Rodgers Darrin & Desiree
Szanto Joshua

We would love if you would join our group!

Head of Household

Spouse Information

Children Information
