Voting Results
8:30 АМ Service
Out of 72 voted - 66 Yes, 6 No
10:30 АМ Service
Out of 196 voted - 185 Yes, 11 No
12:30 РМ Service
Out of 101 voted - 97 Yes, 4 No
All Services
Out of 369 voted - 348 Yes, 21 No
Decision Made - Yes
Introductory information
regarding a brief membership meeting
this Sunday, February 23, 2025.
Dear brothers and sisters, members of Bread of Life Church. This Sunday, we will have a brief membership meeting at the end of each service where every church member present will have the opportunity to vote yes or no on the purchase of a new church building and the sale of our church building. During the vote count, the Teen and Youth Ministries ministers will address parents with important information. At the end of each service, the vote will be announced, and after all the services, the total vote will be announced here.
Why are we doing this?
We have grown beyond what this building can accommodate, and we have a constant shortage of rooms and classrooms, sanctuary space in the ministry, and space in the foyer for fellowship. We are under pressure to do something about it. There have been various attempts and options, but after consideration and calculations, they have failed because they do not meet our needs and abilities.
Why is this church we want to buy a good option?
It will solve all our problems with seats, classrooms, and rooms for prayers, rehearsal, fellowship, and other activities for several years to come. Moreover, there is great potential for expansion if needed.
Will we be able to support the new church financially?
The church finance department is already working with a bank to acquire a $2 million loan, and $1 million will be raised from voluntary donations and borrowed from people with an agreement that we will give it to them immediately after the sale of our building. The monthly loan payment will be around $12,000 - $15,000, which we will be able to afford.
Main points of the new church building.
We see this as a blessing from God, and as the church leadership, we have 100% agreement in the church board.
Why are we doing this?
We have grown beyond what this building can accommodate, and we have a constant shortage of rooms and classrooms, sanctuary space in the ministry, and space in the foyer for fellowship. We are under pressure to do something about it. There have been various attempts and options, but after consideration and calculations, they have failed because they do not meet our needs and abilities.
Why is this church we want to buy a good option?
It will solve all our problems with seats, classrooms, and rooms for prayers, rehearsal, fellowship, and other activities for several years to come. Moreover, there is great potential for expansion if needed.
Will we be able to support the new church financially?
The church finance department is already working with a bank to acquire a $2 million loan, and $1 million will be raised from voluntary donations and borrowed from people with an agreement that we will give it to them immediately after the sale of our building. The monthly loan payment will be around $12,000 - $15,000, which we will be able to afford.
Main points of the new church building.
- Location: 9.24 acres in town, at major freeway intersection, prime and convenient.
- Main auditorium with 500+ seating, including balcony, with potential for expansion.
- 28 classrooms, 7 of them with restrooms for small children.
- Many offices and other rooms for rehearsals, prayers, and meetings.
- Large nursery of 3 rooms.
- Enclosed playground for children.
- Full-size gymnasium.
- State-approved school for 150 students. We will be able to have our own Christian school for the children.
We see this as a blessing from God, and as the church leadership, we have 100% agreement in the church board.